Miesiąc: marzec 2023

Data Protection in Company

/Data Protection in Company

Over the past few years, data security has become a priority topic among business owners. Through the development of technology, more and more sectors are being digitized, not only improving the operation of the company, but also exposing it to attacks from cyber criminals. We can’t provide 100% protection for confidential information, but by putting the right steps in place, we can minimize the risk of a potential leak. As a result, both the company’s good name and budget will not suffer. 

In an era that condones employees to use private devices for business purposes, security issues have never been so sensitive. Surveys show that only 40% of working people in Poland consider issues related to protecting the equipment they work on. This poses quite a challenge for owners of businesses, who must ensure not only the security of the data itself, but also systematize regulations in relation to the surveillance of their subordinates’ private devices. We need to realize the consequences that can accompany a data leak – even if we run a small or medium-sized company. Leakage of customers’ private information, caused either by the deliberate actions of external hackers or by an employee who took advantage of an unlucky open Wi-Fi network, can cost our company exorbitant sums of money (leaving aside the risk of possible liability under, for example, data protection regulations). 

The potential threat may not only come from the network – it also applies to theft or damage to physical equipment. That’s why we should make an effort to ensure that vital equipment for the operation of the company is properly secured, especially against the possibility of outside contact. In terms of data protection, establishing adequate oversight is much more crucial. The basis is choosing the right security system – one that is tailored to our company. It is at this stage that it is crucial to establish a data hierarchy, so that access to the most important information for the company, such as confidential customer data, will be reserved for those with authorizations – that is, employees for whom such knowledge is absolutely necessary to perform their duties. Let’s also ask ourselves an important question – what will we do if somehow this data is lost? If we do not yet know the answer, let’s think as soon as possible about separate a team whose task will be to periodically create backups and properly secure them. This way, in case of an attack and deletion of information or ordinary failure, we will be able to recover the data. The most perfect system will not work if it is not used by competent people. That’s why it’s so important to sensitize the employees themselves to device security issues. Let’s start by making a list of of tasks that all subordinates will have to perform before integrating their device into company operations, and another one describing cyclical procedures (such as updating or frequently changing passwords). Employees’ knowledge will be based on this, while separate training and each time introducing new people to the company’s security routine may be necessary to fully implement the security requirements. 

Like any professional solution, a surveillance system for confidential information first requires prudent planning. We do not have to deal with this ourselves – there are companies that professionally deal with assisting companies in implementing security measures. However, we should remember to use common sense in this matter as well: when deciding on the services of specialists, be sure that they really are the best at what they do. In the age of the Internet, we can get opinions on almost any service provider, a good old recommendation by a friendly company will also work. Thanks to all these measures, we will be able to sleep peacefully, and our company – to function without unpleasant surprises. 

Bezpieczeństwo Danych

/Bezpieczeństwo Danych

W ciągu ostatnich kilku lat bezpieczeństwa danych stało się priorytetowym tematem wśród właścicieli firm. Przez rozwój technologii coraz więcej sektorów podlega procesowi cyfryzacji, nie tylko usprawniając działanie przedsiębiorstwa, ale i narażając je na ataki ze strony cyberprzestępców. Nie jesteśmy w stanie zapewnić poufnym informacjom stuprocentowej ochrony, jednak dzięki wprowadzeniu odpowiednich czynności, możemy zminimalizować ryzyko potencjalnego wycieku. Dzięki temu nie ucierpi zarówno dobre imię firmy, jak i jej budżet. 

W dobie przyzwalającej pracownikom na korzystanie z prywatnych urządzeń w celach służbowych, zagadnienia związanie z bezpieczeństwem nie były jeszcze nigdy tak newralgiczne. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że jedynie 40% osób pracujących w Polsce rozważa kwestie związane z ochroną sprzętu, na którym pracuje. Stawia to spore wyzwanie przed właścicielami przedsiębiorstw, którzy muszę zadbać nie tylko o bezpieczeństwo samych danych, ale i usystematyzowanie regulacji względem nadzoru prywatnych urządzeń swoich podwładnych. Musimy zdać sobie sprawę z konsekwencji, jakie może towarzyszyć wyciekowi danych – nawet jeśli prowadzimy małą lub średnią firmę. Wyciek prywatnych informacji klientów, spowodowany zarówno celowymi działaniami zewnętrznych hakerów, jak i pracownikiem, który skorzystał z pechowej, otwartej sieci Wi-Fi może kosztować naszą firmę niebotyczne sumy pieniędzy (pomijając ryzyko ewentualnej odpowiedzialności wynikającej np. z przepisów ochrony danych osobowych). 

Potencjalne zagrożenie może nie przyjść jedynie z sieci – dotyczy również kradzieży czy uszkodzenia fizycznych urządzeń. Dlatego powinniśmy powziąć starania, aby istotny dla funkcjonowania firmy sprzęt był odpowiednio zabezpieczony, zwłaszcza przed możliwością kontaktu z osobami z zewnątrz. W zakresie ochrony danych ustalenie odpowiedniego nadzoru jest znacznie bardziej kluczowe. Podstawa to dobranie właściwego systemu zabezpieczeń – takiego, który będzie skrojony na miarę naszej  firmy. To właśnie na tym etapie kluczowe jest utworzenie hierarchii danych, dzięki temu dostęp do najistotniejszych dla przedsiębiorstwa informacji, poufnych danych klientów, będzie zarezerwowany dla osób mających autoryzacje- czyli pracowników, dla których taka wiedza jest absolutnie niezbędna, aby móc pełnić swoje obowiązki. Zadajmy sobie też istotne pytanie – co zrobimy, jeśli w jakiś sposób te dane przepadną? Jeżeli jeszcze nie znamy odpowiedzi, jak najszybciej pomyślmy o  wydzieleniu zespołu, którego zadaniem będzie cykliczne tworzenie kopii zapasowych oraz ich odpowiednie zabezpieczenie. Dzięki temu w przypadku ataku i skasowania informacji bądź zwyczajnej awarii, będziemy mogli odzyskać dane. Najdoskonalszy system nie sprawdzi się, jeśli nie będą z niego korzystały osoby kompetentne. Dlatego tak istotne są działania uwrażliwiające samych pracowników na zagadnienia związane z bezpieczeństwem urządzeń. Zacznijmy od sporządzenia listy  zadań, które wszyscy podwładni będą musieli wykonać przed włączeniem ich urządzenia do działań firmowych, oraz kolejnej, opisującej cykliczne procedury (takie jak aktualizacja czy częsta zmiana haseł). Na tym opierać będzie się wiedza pracowników, natomiast aby w pełni zrealizować wymagania bezpieczeństwa, niezbędne może okazać się osobne szkolenie i każdorazowe wdrażanie nowych osób w firmową rutynę ochrony. 

Jak każde profesjonalne rozwiązanie, tak i system nadzoru nad poufnymi informacjami wymaga po pierwsze rozważnego zaplanowania. Nie musimy zajmować się tym sami- istnieją firmy, które zawodowo zajmują się pomocą przedsiębiorstwom we wdrażaniu zabezpieczeń. Pamiętajmy jednak, aby i w tej kwestii kierować się rozsądkiem: decydując się na usługi specjalistów, miejmy pewność, że naprawdę są najlepsi w tym, co robią. W dobie internetu możemy zasięgnąć opinii dotyczących niemal każdego usługodawcy, sprawdzi się również stare, dobre polecenie przez zaprzyjaźnioną firmę. Dzięki wszystkim tym działaniom my będziemy mogli spać spokojnie, a nasza firma – funkcjonować bez przykrych niespodzianek. 

NVIDIA uderza potężnie na rynku Data Center

/NVIDIA uderza potężnie na rynku Data Center

Nvidia to firma znana z produkcji wydajnych kart graficznych i sprzętu dla graczy, ale firma robi też fale w przestrzeni centrum danych dzięki swojej platformie Nvidia Data Center. Platforma oferuje zestaw produktów sprzętowych i programowych zaprojektowanych w celu przyspieszenia obciążeń centrum danych, od uczenia maszynowego i AI do obliczeń naukowych i infrastruktury wirtualnych desktopów.

Oferta sprzętowa

Sercem platformy Nvidia Data Center jest linia procesorów graficznych dla centrów danych, w tym A100, V100 i T4. Układy te zostały zoptymalizowane pod kątem akceleracji szerokiego zakresu obciążeń, od trenowania modeli głębokiego uczenia po uruchamianie wirtualnych desktopów. Oferują one wysoki poziom równoległości i wydajności, a także są zaprojektowane tak, aby były skalowalne i spełniały potrzeby dużych centrów danych. Oprócz procesorów graficznych, Nvidia oferuje również szereg produktów sprzętowych dla centrów danych, w tym system DGX A100, który łączy osiem procesorów graficznych A100 z technologią połączeń NVLink, zapewniając wysoką wydajność obliczeń i pamięci masowej w pojedynczym serwerze.

Oferta oprogramowania

Oprócz swoich produktów sprzętowych, Nvidia oferuje również pakiet produktów programowych zaprojektowanych, aby pomóc operatorom centrów danych w zarządzaniu i optymalizacji ich obciążeń. Obejmuje on Nvidia GPU Cloud (NGC), który zapewnia repozytorium wstępnie wytrenowanych modeli głębokiego uczenia się, a także narzędzia do wdrażania i zarządzania obciążeniami akcelerowanymi przez GPU. Nvidia oferuje także szereg narzędzi programowych do zarządzania i optymalizacji wydajności procesorów graficznych, w tym zestaw narzędzi Nvidia CUDA, który zapewnia zestaw bibliotek i interfejsów API do tworzenia aplikacji akcelerowanych przez procesory graficzne oraz zestaw Nvidia GPU Management Toolkit, który dostarcza narzędzi do monitorowania i optymalizacji wydajności procesorów graficznych w środowiskach centrów danych.

Przeznaczenie systemów

Platforma Nvidia Data Center jest wykorzystywana w szerokim zakresie branż i aplikacji, od obliczeń naukowych i prognozowania pogody po usługi finansowe i opiekę zdrowotną. Na przykład platforma jest wykorzystywana przez National Center for Atmospheric Research do przeprowadzania symulacji zmian klimatycznych o wysokiej rozdzielczości oraz przez Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do analizowania danych genomicznych w celu identyfikacji ognisk chorób. W branży usług finansowych platforma Nvidia Data Center jest wykorzystywana do przeprowadzania złożonych symulacji ryzyka i modeli analityki predykcyjnej, natomiast w służbie zdrowia służy do przyspieszania obrazowania medycznego i badań nad odkrywaniem leków.


Platforma Nvidia Data Center oferuje potężny zestaw produktów sprzętowych i programowych zaprojektowanych w celu przyspieszenia obciążeń w centrach danych w szerokim zakresie branż i aplikacji. Dzięki skupieniu się na akceleracji procesorów graficznych i obliczeniach o wysokiej wydajności, platforma ta jest dobrze dostosowana do obciążeń związanych z uczeniem maszynowym i sztuczną inteligencją, a także do obliczeń naukowych i infrastruktury wirtualnych desktopów. W miarę wzrostu złożoności i skali obciążeń w centrach danych, platforma Nvidia Data Center prawdopodobnie będzie odgrywać coraz większą rolę w przyspieszaniu wydajności centrów danych i umożliwianiu nowych aplikacji i przypadków użycia.

NVIDIA Hits BIG in Data Center Market

/NVIDIA Hits BIG in Data Center Market

Nvidia is a company known for producing high-performance graphics cards and gaming hardware, but the company is also making waves in the data centre space with its Nvidia Data Centre platform. The platform offers a set of hardware and software products designed to accelerate data centre workloads, from machine learning and AI to scientific computing and virtual desktop infrastructure.

Hardware offer

At the heart of the Nvidia Data Centre platform is a line of data centre GPUs, including the A100, V100 and T4. These chips are optimised to accelerate a wide range of workloads, from training deep learning models to running virtual desktops. They offer high levels of parallelism and performance, and are designed to be scalable and meet the needs of large data centers. In addition to GPUs, Nvidia also offers a range of data centre hardware products, including the DGX A100 system, which combines eight A100 GPUs with NVLink connectivity technology to deliver high performance computing and storage in a single server.

Software offer

In addition to its hardware products, Nvidia also offers a suite of software products designed to help data centre operators manage and optimise their workloads. This includes the Nvidia GPU Cloud (NGC), which provides a repository of pre-trained deep learning models, as well as tools to deploy and manage GPU-accelerated workloads. Nvidia also offers a range of software tools for managing and optimising GPU performance, including the Nvidia CUDA Toolkit, which provides a set of libraries and APIs for developing GPU-accelerated applications, and the Nvidia GPU Management Toolkit, which provides tools for monitoring and optimising GPU performance in data centre environments.

Use cases

The Nvidia Data Center platform is used across a wide range of industries and applications, from scientific computing and weather forecasting to financial services and healthcare. For example, the platform is used by the National Center for Atmospheric Research to perform high-resolution climate change simulations and by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to analyse genomic data to identify disease outbreaks. In the financial services industry, the Nvidia Data Centre platform is used to run complex risk simulations and predictive analytics models, while in healthcare it is used to accelerate medical imaging and drug discovery research.


The Nvidia Data Centre Platform offers a powerful set of hardware and software products designed to accelerate data centre workloads across a wide range of industries and applications. With a focus on GPU acceleration and high-performance computing, the platform is well suited for machine learning and artificial intelligence workloads, as well as scientific computing and virtual desktop infrastructure. As data centre workloads grow in complexity and scale, the Nvidia Data Centre platform is likely to play an increasingly important role in accelerating data centre performance and enabling new applications and use cases.

Post-leasing IT equipment – Is it worth it?

/Post-leasing IT equipment – Is it worth it?

As companies and individuals are constantly upgrading their IT equipment, the need to properly dispose of or reuse old or obsolete equipment is becoming increasingly important. In this article, we will outline the benefits of reusing and recycling IT equipment at the end of a lease, whether for servers and data centres or personal computers.

Reselling IT equipment at the end of a lease

One option for re-using post-leasing IT equipment is to resell it to third-party resellers who specialise in refurbishing and reselling used equipment. These resellers can carry out thorough testing and repairs to ensure the equipment is in good condition, and then sell it at a reduced cost to companies or individuals who may not have the budget for new equipment. This can be a win-win situation, as the vendor can make a profit and the buyer can save money and still receive reliable equipment.

Donating IT equipment after leasing

Another option is to donate equipment to schools, non-profit organisations or other groups in need. Not only can this help those who may not have access to the latest technology, but it can also provide tax benefits for the company or individual donating the equipment. Many companies have programmes that allow employees to donate used IT equipment to charitable organisations.

Recycling post-lease IT equipment

Recycling equipment is another option that can benefit the environment. Many electronic devices contain hazardous materials that can be harmful if not disposed of properly, and recycling ensures that these materials are disposed of safely and responsibly. In addition, many recycling companies can recover valuable materials from equipment, such as copper and gold, which can be reused in new electronics.

Repurposing post-lease IT equipment for personal computers

In addition to reusing post-lease IT equipment for servers and data centres, individuals can also benefit from reusing used equipment for personal computers. For example, an old laptop can be used as a backup device or media server, while an outdated desktop computer can be used as a home server for file storage or media streaming. By repurposing this equipment, individuals can save money and reduce electronic waste.

It is also possible to upgrade and upgrade one’s PCs, as well as laptops, using post-lease parts, as they have a lower price than new ones. 

However, be sure to buy post-lease equipment from reliable shops. Compan-IT offers post-lease equipment from reliable and trusted sources, which are tested and thoroughly checked before sale. Take a look at our offer, you will find the link at the end of the article.


Reusing and recycling IT equipment at the end of a lease can bring many benefits, including savings, environmental sustainability and the opportunity to help those in need. It is important for businesses and individuals to consider these options when upgrading their IT equipment, as it can be a responsible and financially wise decision. By choosing to resell, donate or recycle equipment, companies and individuals can have a positive impact on the environment and community, while also benefiting their own bottom line.

Switches – Highlights And Market Leaders

/Switches – Highlights And Market Leaders

Switches are an essential part of computer networks, providing a way of connecting devices together to allow communication between them. A switch is a network device that connects devices on a local area network (LAN) to allow them to communicate with each other. Switches operate at the data link layer of the OSI model, which is the second layer of the seven-layer model. This layer is responsible for the reliable transfer of data between network devices.

Basic information about switches

Switches come in different types and configurations, with varying capabilities and performance characteristics. The most common types are:

  • Unmanaged – these switches are the simplest type and are typically used in small networks. They provide basic connectivity between devices and cannot be configured.
  • Managed – these devices offer more advanced features such as VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks), QoS (Quality of Service) and port mirroring. They can be configured to optimise network performance and security.
  • Layer 3 switches – these switches are also known as routing switches because they can route traffic between different subnets or VLANs. They are more expensive than other types of these devices, but are essential in larger networks.

Switches can be further classified based on their architecture, such as:

  • Modular Switches – these switches allow more ports or features to be added by adding modules to the switch.
  • Fixed Switches – these devices come with a fixed number of ports and features that cannot be changed or upgraded.
  • Stackable Switches – these can be stacked to create a single, larger switch with more ports.

Switches use a variety of technologies to enable communication between devices, such as:

  • The most common technology used in switches is Ethernet. This is a set of standards for transmitting data over a LAN.
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is a protocol used in switches to prevent loops in the network. It works by disabling redundant links between switches, ensuring that there is only one active path between any two devices.
  • Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). VLANs enable the creation of logical networks within a physical network. This provides security and performance benefits by distributing traffic between different groups of devices.
  • When it comes to choosing a network switch for an organisation, there are several factors to consider, including performance, scalability, reliability and cost. The three main players in the switch market are Cisco, Dell and IBM. Let’s take a closer look at each of these companies and their switch offerings to see how they compare.


Cisco is a dominant player in the networking industry and offers a wide range of switch models designed for businesses of all sizes. Their switches are known for their high performance, reliability and advanced features such as virtualisation and security.

One of Cisco’s flagship switch models is the Catalyst series, which offers a range of options for different network sizes and requirements. Catalyst switches are designed for data centre, campus and branch office environments and can support up to 10Gbps per port. Catalyst switches are also equipped with advanced security features such as access control lists (ACLs), port security and MAC address filtering.

Another popular Cisco switch series is the Nexus series, which is designed for high-performance data centre environments. Nexus switches can support up to 40Gbps per port and offer advanced features such as virtualisation, storage networking and high availability.


Dell is another big player in the switch market, offering a range of switch models for small and medium-sized businesses. Dell switches are known for their ease of use, affordability and scalability.

One of Dell’s popular switch ranges is the PowerConnect series, which offers a range of options for different network sizes and requirements. PowerConnect devices are designed for small and medium-sized businesses and can support up to 10Gbps per port. PowerConnect switches are also equipped with advanced features such as VLAN support, link aggregation and QoS.

Another popular Dell switch series is the N-Series, which is designed for high-performance data centre environments. The N-series switches can support up to 40Gbps per port and offer advanced features such as virtualisation, storage networking and high availability.


IBM is also a major player in the switch market, offering a range of enterprise-level switch models. IBM switches are known for their advanced features, high performance and reliability.

One of IBM’s flagship switch models is the System Networking RackSwitch series, which offers a range of options for networks of different sizes and requirements. RackSwitches are designed for data centre environments and can support up to 40Gbps per port. RackSwitch devices are also equipped with advanced features such as virtualisation, storage networking and high availability.

Another popular IBM switch series is the System Networking SAN series, which is designed for storage area network (SAN) environments. Such switches can support up to 16Gbps per port and offer advanced features such as Fabric Vision technology, which provides real-time visibility and monitoring of this environment.


Overall, each of these switch manufacturers offers a range of models to meet the needs of businesses of different sizes and requirements. When selecting such a device, factors such as performance, scalability, reliability and cost should be considered, as well as the specific features and capabilities offered by each switch model.

Artificial Intelligence – Significant Help Or Threat?

/Artificial Intelligence – Significant Help Or Threat?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology that is changing the way we live and work. From virtual assistants and chatbots to cars that drive themselves and analyse the traffic situation and smart homes, AI is already having a significant impact on our daily lives and sometimes we don’t even realise it. In this article, we will explore the development of AI, the emergence of GPT chatbots and the opportunities and risks posed by this technology.

The development of artificial intelligence

AI has been developed for decades, but recent advances in machine learning and deep learning have greatly accelerated its progress. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data without explicit programming. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to simulate the way the human brain works.

As a result of these advances, AI is now able to perform tasks that were once thought impossible, such as image recognition and natural language processing. These capabilities have opened up a wide range of new applications for AI, from healthcare and finance to transport and entertainment.

GPT chat

One of the most exciting developments related to artificial intelligence is the emergence of GPT chat. This acronym stands for 'Generative Pre-trained Transformer’, a type of AI model that can generate human-like responses to questions we ask it. This technology has been used to create chatbots that can talk to users in a natural and engaging way, just as if we were writing with a human.

GPT chat has many potential applications, from customer service and sales to mental health support and education. It could also be used to create virtual companions or assistants who could provide emotional support or help with everyday tasks.

Threats posed by the development of artificial intelligence

The development of artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise many areas of our lives, but it also poses significant risks. Here are some of the key risks arising from the development of AI:

  • Displacement of jobs – as AI becomes more capable, it could replace many jobs that are currently performed by humans. This could lead to widespread unemployment and economic disruption, particularly in industries that rely heavily on manual labour or routine tasks.
  • Bias and discrimination – AI algorithms are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the data is biased or incomplete, the algorithm may produce biased or discriminatory results. This can lead to unfair treatment of individuals or groups, especially in areas such as hiring, lending and criminal justice.
  • Security and privacy risks – as AI becomes more ubiquitous, it also becomes a more attractive target for cyber attacks. AI systems can also be used to launch cyber attacks, such as phishing or social engineering attacks. In addition, AI systems can collect and analyse vast amounts of personal data, which raises privacy and data security concerns.
  • Autonomous weapons – AI technology can be used to create autonomous weapons that can make decisions about who to target and when. This could lead to an arms race where countries seek to develop increasingly sophisticated AI-powered weapons, potentially leading to catastrophic conflict.
  • Existential risk – some experts have raised concerns about the possibility of a 'technological singularity’ in which AI becomes so powerful that it surpasses human intelligence and becomes uncontrollable. This could lead to a number of catastrophic consequences, such as the complete subjugation of humanity or the extinction of the human race.

Opportunities arising from the development of AI

The development of AI offers many potential opportunities in many areas. Here are some of the key opportunities that may arise from the continued development of AI:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity – AI has the potential to automate many tasks that are currently performed manually, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. This can lead to lower costs and higher profits for businesses, as well as more free time for people who previously performed this task manually.
  • Improved decision-making – artificial intelligence can process vast amounts of data and make predictions and recommendations based on that data. This can help individuals and organisations make more informed decisions, particularly in areas such as healthcare, finance and transport.
  • Personalisation and customisation – AI can be used to analyse data about individuals and personalise products and services based on their preferences and needs. This can lead to better customer experiences and increased loyalty.
  • Improved healthcare – AI can be used to analyse medical data and identify patterns and trends that could lead to more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatments. AI-powered medical devices could also help to monitor and treat patients more effectively.
  • Environmental sustainability – AI can be used to optimise energy consumption, reduce waste and improve resource allocation, leading to a more sustainable future.
  • Scientific discovery – AI can be used to analyse large data sets and identify patterns that can lead to new scientific discoveries and breakthroughs.
  • Enhanced safety and security – AI can be used to detect and prevent cyber attacks, improve public safety and help law enforcement identify and apprehend criminals.


AI is a rapidly evolving technology that is changing the world in many ways. The emergence of GPT chatbots is just one example of AI’s incredible potential. However, it also poses some significant risks, such as the potential impact on workplaces and the risk of misuse. It is important to continue to develop AI responsibly and to carefully consider the opportunities and risks that the technology presents.

What You Should Know About Edge Computing?

/What You Should Know About Edge Computing?

The development of edge computing technology has revolutionized the way we think about data processing and storage. With the growing demand for faster and more efficient access to data and applications, edge computing has emerged as a savior of sorts. In this article, we will explore the concept of edge computing in servers, including its definition, history and applications. We will also discuss the features, advantages and disadvantages of this solution in servers, as well as the latest trends and technologies in this field.

What is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a distributed computing model that brings data processing and storage closer to where it is needed in order to reduce latency and increase performance. This concept was first introduced in 2014 and has since gained popularity due to the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the need for real-time data processing.

History of Edge Computing

The origins of edge computing can be traced to the concept of distributed computing, which dates back to the 1970s. However, the specific term „edge computing” was coined in 2014 by Cisco, which recognized the need for a new computing model to support the growing number of IoT devices.

How Edge Computing Works

Edge computing involves deploying small, low-power computers, known as edge devices, at the edge of the network, closer to where the data is generated. These edge devices process and store data locally, and send only the most relevant data to the cloud for further processing and storage. This reduces the amount of data that must be sent to the cloud, thereby reducing latency and improving response time.

Edge Computing in Servers

Edge computing is increasingly being used in servers, especially in the context of edge data centers. Edge data centers are smaller data centers that are located closer to end users to provide faster access to data and applications. By deploying edge servers in these locations, enterprises can improve the performance of their applications and reduce latency.

Features of Edge Computing in Servers

Edge computing in servers offers a number of key features, including:

  • Low latency – by processing data locally, edge servers can provide real-time responses to users.
  • Scalability – Edge servers can easily scale up or down as needed, allowing companies to respond quickly to changes in demand.
  • Security – by processing data locally, edge servers can help improve data security and privacy, as sensitive data does not need to be transmitted over the network.
  • Cost efficiency – by reducing the amount of data that must be sent to the cloud, edge computing can help reduce the cost of cloud storage and processing.

Benefits of Edge Computing in Servers

Edge computing in servers offers a number of benefits to businesses, including:

  • Improved performance – by reducing latency and improving response time, edge computing can help companies deliver faster and more responsive applications.
  • Improved reliability – by processing data locally, edge servers can help ensure that applications remain operational even if connectivity to the cloud is lost.
  • Increased flexibility – by deploying edge servers, companies can choose to process data locally or in the cloud, depending on specific needs.
  • Enhanced security – by processing data locally, edge servers can help improve data security and privacy.

Disadvantages of Edge Computing in servers

While edge computing in servers offers many benefits, there are also some potential disadvantages to consider. These include:

  • Increased complexity – deploying edge servers requires careful planning and management, and can increase the complexity of the overall IT infrastructure.
  • Higher costs – deploying edge servers can be more expensive than relying solely on cloud infrastructure, due to the need to purchase and maintain additional hardware.
  • Limited processing power – edge servers may have limited processing power compared to cloud servers, which may affect their ability to handle large amounts of data.


Edge computing is a powerful technology that can help enterprises improve the performance, reliability and security of their applications. By deploying edge servers, companies can enjoy the benefits of edge computing while taking advantage of the scalability and cost-effectiveness of cloud computing. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential advantages and disadvantages of edge computing before deciding to implement it.

Starlink – przegląd satelitarnych usług internetowych firmy SpaceX

/Starlink – przegląd satelitarnych usług internetowych firmy SpaceX

W ostatnich latach SpaceX, firma rakietowa założona przez przedsiębiorcę miliardera – Elona Muska, trafiła na pierwsze strony gazet ze swoimi ambitnymi planami ustanowienia satelitarnej usługi internetowej o nazwie Starlink. Ma on na celu zapewnienie szybkiego, niskoopóźnionego dostępu do Internetu użytkownikom na całym świecie, w tym w odległych i wiejskich obszarach, gdzie tradycyjna infrastruktura internetowa jest niedostępna lub zawodna. W tym artykule przedstawimy przegląd Starlink i jego potencjalny wpływ na branżę internetową.

Co to jest Starlink?

Starlink to satelitarna usługa internetowa opracowana przez firmę SpaceX, której celem jest zapewnienie użytkownikom na całym świecie dostępu do szybkiego internetu o niskich opóźnieniach. Usługa opiera się na sieci tysięcy małych satelitów, które są wystrzeliwane na niską orbitę okołoziemską, która jest znacznie bliżej Ziemi niż tradycyjne satelity geostacjonarne wykorzystywane do komunikacji internetowej. Ta bliskość Ziemi pozwala na uzyskanie większych prędkości transferu danych i mniejszych opóźnień.

Jak działa Starlink?

Sieć satelitarna Starlink została zaprojektowana w celu zapewnienia dostępu do Internetu użytkownikom na ziemi poprzez sieć terminali użytkownika, które są w zasadzie małymi, płaskimi urządzeniami wielkości pudełka po pizzy, które mogą być zamontowane na dachu lub w innym miejscu z dobrym widokiem na niebo. Terminale użytkownika komunikują się z satelitami Starlink, aby zapewnić użytkownikom dostęp do Internetu o dużej szybkości i małych opóźnieniach. Sieć Starlink została zaprojektowana jako wysoce skalowalna, z planami uruchomienia tysięcy dodatkowych satelitów w nadchodzących latach. Dzięki temu Starlink będzie mógł zapewnić dostęp do Internetu większej liczbie użytkowników, zwłaszcza na obszarach odległych i wiejskich, gdzie tradycyjna infrastruktura internetowa jest niedostępna lub zawodna.

Jakie są potencjalne korzyści z zastosowania Starlink?

Potencjalne korzyści płynące z połączenia Starlink są liczne, zwłaszcza dla użytkowników z odległych i wiejskich obszarów. Dzięki tej technologii użytkownicy mogą uzyskać dostęp do szybkiego internetu o małych opóźnieniach, który jest porównywalny lub lepszy od tradycyjnych usług internetu przewodowego. Może to pomóc w zmniejszeniu przepaści cyfrowej, umożliwiając większej liczbie osób udział w gospodarce cyfrowej oraz dostęp do zasobów edukacyjnych i opieki zdrowotnej. Starlink może również zapewnić zapasowe usługi internetowe w miejscach, gdzie tradycyjna infrastruktura internetowa jest podatna na awarie lub zakłócenia, np. podczas klęsk żywiołowych lub innych sytuacji kryzysowych. Może to pomóc w poprawieniu komunikacji i koordynacji w czasie kryzysu, potencjalnie ratując życie i zmniejszając szkody.

Jakie są wyzwania i ograniczenia Starlink?

Chociaż Starlink ma potencjał, aby być technologią zmieniającą świat branży internetowej, stoi również przed kilkoma wyzwaniami i ograniczeniami. Jednym z największych wyzwań jest koszt wdrożenia i utrzymania sieci satelitarnej, który jest nadal dość wysoki w porównaniu z tradycyjną infrastrukturą internetu przewodowego. Starlink jest wciąż we wczesnej fazie wdrażania i dopiero okaże się, jak dobrze sprawdzi się w warunkach rzeczywistych, zwłaszcza na obszarach o niekorzystnej pogodzie lub innych warunkach środowiskowych, które mogłyby wpłynąć na jakość sygnału. Istnieją również obawy dotyczące wpływu sieci satelitarnej Starlink na badania astronomiczne, ponieważ jasne odbicia od satelitów mogą zakłócać obserwacje teleskopów.


Starlink to satelitarna usługa internetowa opracowana przez SpaceX, która ma na celu zapewnienie szybkiego dostępu do Internetu o niskich opóźnieniach użytkownikom na całym świecie, w tym użytkownikom z odległych i wiejskich obszarów. Chociaż technologia ta jest wciąż we wczesnej fazie wdrażania i stoi przed kilkoma wyzwaniami i ograniczeniami, ma potencjał, aby być technologią zmieniającą świat branży internetowej. W miarę uruchamiania kolejnych satelitów i rozbudowy sieci możemy spodziewać się jeszcze bardziej innowacyjnych zastosowań tej technologii w różnych branżach i aplikacjach.

In recent years, SpaceX, the rocket company founded by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, has hit the headlines with its ambitious plans to establish a satellite internet service called Starlink. Starlink aims to provide high-speed, low-delay internet access to users around the world, including in remote and rural areas where traditional internet infrastructure is unavailable or unreliable. In this article, we will provide an overview of Starlink and its potential impact on the internet industry.

What is Starlink?

Starlink is a satellite internet service developed by SpaceX to provide users around the world with access to high-speed, low-latency internet. The service is based on a network of thousands of small satellites that are launched into low Earth orbit, which is much closer to Earth than the traditional geostationary satellites used for internet communications. This proximity to the Earth allows for higher data transfer speeds and lower latency.

How does Starlink work?

The Starlink satellite network is designed to provide internet access to users on the ground through a network of user terminals, which are essentially small, flat devices the size of a pizza box that can be mounted on a roof or other location with a good view of the sky. The user terminals communicate with Starlink satellites to provide users with high-speed, low-latency internet access. The Starlink network is designed to be highly scalable, with plans to deploy thousands of additional satellites in the coming years. This will enable Starlink to provide internet access to more users, especially in remote and rural areas where traditional internet infrastructure is unavailable or unreliable.

What are the potential benefits of Starlink?

The potential benefits of Starlink are numerous, especially for users in remote and rural areas. With this technology, users can access high-speed, low-latency internet that is comparable to or better than traditional wired internet services. This can help bridge the digital divide, enabling more people to participate in the digital economy and access educational and healthcare resources. Starlink can also provide back-up internet services in places where traditional internet infrastructure is prone to failure or disruption, such as during natural disasters or other emergencies. This can help improve communication and coordination during a crisis, potentially saving lives and reducing damage.

What are the challenges and limitations of Starlink?

While Starlink has the potential to be a world-changing technology for the internet industry, it also faces several challenges and limitations. One of the biggest challenges is the cost of deploying and maintaining a satellite network, which is still quite high compared to traditional wired internet infrastructure. In addition, the Starlink network is still in the early stages of deployment and it remains to be seen how well it will perform in real-world conditions, especially in areas with inclement weather or other environmental conditions that could affect signal quality.


Starlink is a satellite internet service developed by SpaceX that aims to provide high-speed, low-latency internet access to users around the world, including those in remote and rural areas. Although the technology is still in the early stages of deployment and faces several challenges and limitations, it has the potential to be a world-changing technology for the internet industry. As more satellites are deployed and networks are expanded, we can expect to see even more innovative applications of this technology in a variety of industries and applications.